Sukkot Integrative Yoga Flow

Sukkot Integrative Yoga Flow

For this 1-hour yoga flow, send us your email for instant access!

Tishrei is the cosmic nervous system of the year. The journey of Tishrei takes us down the Royal Road through the Energy Systems of the Body: beginning at Rosh Hashana ( the head), descending down to Yom Kipur (the heart), and then deeper and lower into our inner-sukkah, the low belly/ womb/ Hara, our deep embodiment of pure being. Sukkot is the source of Joy for the year: it is the joy we feel when we can integrate all parts of ourself. This flow will be integrating the 4 species and how they relate to the body, especially focusing on the Lulav (the spine).We will take you through all the spinal movements (flexions, extensions, rotations, lateral flexions, and facial extensions). Through engaging in all spinal movements, we unlock the bioenergetic force of the body. We will incorporate the embodied ritual of waving the Lulav with the intention of waving out (releasing what we don’t want), and waving IN (inviting in flexibility and freedom). Shaking the Lulav represents the ability to flexible in the spine. Instead of getting stuck on our identity and who we think we are, we can shake into openness and exploration.

Embodied Sefirot Practices: Gevurah Meditation

Embodied Sefirot Practices: Gevurah Meditation

Radiant Elul Guide

Radiant Elul Guide